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Being Told No is Better Than Not Being Told Anything

by | Feb 23, 2023

Hi and welcome to another day of wonder and opportunity. I’ve been told, “No,” a lot in my life.

You too, probably. From parents, teachers and the like.

But when it comes to strangers, it’s different. And it still throws a lot of business owners. They get upset when a prospect says, “No.”

In fact, the fear of being rejected is sometimes enough to stop them asking for the sale in the first place.

Have you ever had to make a sales call and been secretly happy that the person never answered…?

Me too!

The fact is, one of the main reasons business owners don’t get the sale is because they don’t ask for it!

When I was a cub scout (yes, dib dib dib and all that), I often had to go knock on doors for sponsorship money.

So at an early age I was used to having doors slammed in my face and, on the odd occasion, being told to f*ck off.

But I realised that it took me about six doors to make one “sale”.

Those were three good lessons to learn early on:

  1. The more you’re told no, the more it bounces off you.
  2. Some people are rude, but they’re in the minority.
  3. Getting money can be about Maths. This is how many times I need to be told no to get a yes.

Logic dictates that if you’re not being told no enough, your sales & marketing activity needs ramping up.

It would be lovely if every single person we talked to said yes. But life isn’t like that.

We need to say no more often. I’ve talked about that before. But we also need to get told no more often.

If your sales & marketing isn’t getting you the results you want, book a free discovery call bellow.

Until next time, stay hungry.

Codebreak - Stay Hungry - Direct Response Marketing

Book your free Discovery Call

What’s a Discovery Call?

This is a call where you tell us about your business goals and we see what Codebreak can do to help.

We’ll discuss what’s been working well for you when it comes to getting more customers, and what hasn’t cut the mustard. How happy you are with your current marketing, who your ideal customer is…. An informal but productive chat about growing, protecting and scaling your business.

It is genuinely a discovery call rather than a mislabelled sales pitch.

If there’s a match between what you want and what Codebreak can provide, we’ll give you some options.

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