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My Top 10 Learnings or Reminders From 2022

by | Feb 21, 2023

So 2022 is almost over.

Not quite though, of course. Be wary of saying you’re going to start something in January 2023 when you can start it now.

Especially if it’s stuff you’ve been putting off. Maybe even since January this year…!

What have I learned or been reminded of in 2022?

Here are my Top 10, in no particular order:

  1. Direct Mail is back, if it even went away. Sending relevant people stuff in the post will stand you out. Most of your competitors won’t be doing this because – shock horror – it costs money.
  2. When setting a big goal, make yourself accountable. To friends & family, peers or coach. If you haven’t got a coach, let’s talk. I signed up for (and finished) the SAS Fan Dance in July. If I hadn’t talked about it all over Facebook, I may have made some excuses to get out of it. Like lots of other people did!
  3. Never send a quote without agreeing a follow-up with a deadline. Otherwise you get caught in the slow circle of death that is “the chase”. Fair exchange, you see – you prepare the quote, they agree when to give you a decision. 
  4. Have a challenge outside of the challenge of work. For me, I like that to be physical. Whether that’s the Fan Dance or the London Marathon, something I can train for within a plan. It doesn’t have to physical, of course. Maybe it could be learning another language. The DuoLingo app is awesome; I’m using that to learn Spanish.
  5. Get networking in-person. Now that the world has opened up again, be wary of keeping your networking to purely virtual just because it’s easier. Nothing will beat pressing the flesh. And again it’ll give you an edge over lazy competitors.
  6. Go to bed and get up at roughly the same time every day. Otherwise, it messes with your natural rhythm and you won’t perform at your best mentally or physically.
  7. LinkedIn Ads are still nowhere near as cost effective as Facebook Ads, even if you’re B2B. (And organically you’re up against an algorithm that loves divisive non-business content, preferably accompanied by a lack of clothing.)
  8. Comparison is the thief of joy. Most business owners spend way too much time obsessing over what their competitors are up to on social media. Often, that’s how they’ll choose to start their day. How you start your day dictates your day.
  9. Email still rocks. Even though it’s as cheap as chips and within everyone’s grasp, lots of business owners don’t use it to stay in touch with their database. And those who do do it badly or infrequently. Massive potential right there. Keep sharing content of interest and value with people who requested it until they say, “No, not anymore.” It’s not rocket science.
  10. Ad retargeting should be compulsory in any business’s marketing strategy. It is also as cheap as chips. It’s the easiest way of keeping in front of people who have shown an interest in what you offer. Chances are, folk won’t buy after seeing you just the once. THE WORST NUMBER IN MARKETING IS ONE!

So there you have it. 

What have been your key takeaways from 2022? Follow us on Insta codebreakcrew and let us know!

Until next time, stay hungry.

Codebreak - Stay Hungry - Direct Response Marketing

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