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The Curse of Lazy Marketing

by | Feb 23, 2023

I took my car in for a service and sat in reception. Started flicking through a magazine and one ad caught my eye.

Because it was so bad.

It looked cheap, a mixture of five different fonts and low res photos. It was for a driveway company too, so no doubt charged a fair whack.

Accordingly, they would have had a load of time-wasting enquiries. People expecting them to be cheap.

On top do this, there was a typo in the headline.

A yahoo email address.

No testimonials, when there was room as it was a full page ad.

No offer or hook.

The magazine was bi-monthly, so the ad would be out there for at least eight weeks. 

Not like a digital ad, which you can change immediately if you spot something. But this isn’t another spiel about how amazing digital ads are.

Press ads can have their place in the marketing mix.  But only with the right design.

Signing off on a press ad that won’t generate as many enquiries as it should is nuts.

And guess what will happen when the ad doesn’t work? The driveway guy will blame the magazine.

As a business owner, YOU have to take responsibility for your marketing OR outsource it to someone you trust.

Learning or handing it over.

Luckily, Codebreak offers both.

Coaching and done-for-you.

You’ll have marketing & mindset experience in your side. 

Direct Response Marketing.

Marketing that focuses on RESULTS.

Making sure the money you invest gets properly utilised. Not cobbling together any ol’ piece of marketing and crossing your fingers.

So what if that magazine ad only cost you a few hundred quid. You still want it to work, right?!

Otherwise, it’s just laziness. In that case, Codebreak won’t be able to help you. We get customers for business owners who are hungry.

To find out more, I invite you to book a free Discovery Call at codebreak.co.uk

Until next time, stay hungry.

Codebreak - Stay Hungry - Direct Response Marketing

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What’s a Discovery Call?

This is a call where you tell us about your business goals and we see what Codebreak can do to help.

We’ll discuss what’s been working well for you when it comes to getting more customers, and what hasn’t cut the mustard. How happy you are with your current marketing, who your ideal customer is…. An informal but productive chat about growing, protecting and scaling your business.

It is genuinely a discovery call rather than a mislabelled sales pitch.

If there’s a match between what you want and what Codebreak can provide, we’ll give you some options.

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